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Pandemic Teaching

Pandemic Teaching Resources

Practical advice and resources for quickly moving to remote teaching.

✔ Find Resources:   Book   |   Seminars   |    Podcast Episodes   |    Daily Updates  |   Other Resources

Pandemic Teaching Book

Kevin's bestselling book!
Available in paperback
Download a digital copy
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Pandemic Teaching: A Survival Guide for College Faculty
by Kevin Patton

The world has changed, and so have the ways we teach and learn. It’s time to change with it. Pandemic Teaching is here to help you do just that. We know how hard it can be to move from a life of on-campus teaching to the new world of online teaching, but we also know how rewarding it can be when done right. That’s why we created this guidebook—to make sure you don’t get lost in the pandemic of remote teaching!

You won’t have any trouble finding what’s important or not in this era of pandemic teaching because our book will give you all the information you need. Written in an informal, conversational style, this book gives useful advice and empathetic support as you survive your own challenges.

The first section of the book provides a list of quick tips, strategies, and helpful mindsets—all based on Patton’s real-life practical experience. The second part of the book expands on some of those quick tips to give further advice for implementing them.

Paperback | The preferred choice of many readers

Download in any eReader |  FREE in most channels

Press KitArticle about the book & author | Photos | Video

Review Copy | PDF version (no eReader req’d)
Please consider reviewing the book at a bookstore site,
write a review article, or share this link with colleagues:

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Pandemic Teaching Seminars

Selected from the TAPP library of seminars

Simple Ideas for Moving to Remote Learning

Moving from on-campus teaching to remote teaching? Not sure where to start or how it can be done effectively in a short time frame? Not too sure about the technology? Here’s the simplified, essential message of the book Pandemic Teaching: A Survival Guide for College Faculty.

Long Term Learning | Five Strategies for Teaching A&P

This session explores five strategies that can work in any course to move student from short-term learning “for the next test” to the long-term learning they need to carry knowledge and application skills to the next course and beyond.

Online Lecture Previews

This session explores the use of narrated presentations that can be accessed by students in an online course platform or regular website. A brief walk-through of the process of producing such a presentation is included.

Testing as Teaching

This session explores the use of Respondus and your LMS to produce randomized online tests that operate as self-contained learning activities. Data on student attitudes toward randomized testing as a learning method and data on effects on student performance also are explored.

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Pandemic Teaching Podcast Episodes

Selected from the TAPP library of podcast episodes

Episode 91

burning matches


A Chat with Rebecca Pope-Ruark
Author of Agile Faculty
Faculty Burnout Expert

Episode 81

security agent on escalator

The Cheater! Academic Integrity in Remote Learning

Culture of Integrity
Anti-Cheating Strategies
Consequences of Cheating

Episode 78

martial artist

Desirable Difficulty

Even More Zoom Tips
4-strand DNA

Episode 77

Stress & Community

More Media Tips

Episode 76

course review

The Surprising Power of Digital Textbooks

Arm Length
Book Club

Episode 74

Back to Campus Pandemic Teaching

Book Club

Episode 73

fatigued woman with laptop

Zoom Fatigue & Other Symptoms of Pandemic Teaching

Pandemic Heart
CV Skill List
Sensory Update
Book Club

Episode 72


Even More Pandemic Teaching Tips

Faculty Office in a Box
Audio-Video Tricks

Episode 69

discussing things over a cup of tea

Journal Club w/ Krista Rompolski

Content Delivery Style
Seminar on Running Concept Lists

Episode 68

Online testing

Revisiting Retrieval Practice

Coming soon:
TAPP Journal Club
w/ Krista Rompolski

Episode 67

cartoon showing a web meeting

Simple Ideas for Remote Teaching

Zoombombing Revisited
New Pandemic Teaching Book
Pandemic Teaching Resources

Episode 66


Slides Serve the Story of A&P

Fumbling First Try
Protein Folding Game

Episode 65

VW bus

Still Moving Our Course to Remote

More Tips for
Moving from On-Campus
to Remote

Bonus Episode 64


Quickly Moving to Remote Delivery—The Musical

Kevin Patton gives tips
Greg Crowther sings
Let’s put on a show!

Bonus Episode 63

Mid-Winter Winterizing of Our Courses

Prep Your Course for
Absences, Campus Closings,
and More!

Episode 63

step in gum

Making Mistakes in the A&P Course

How Stress Grays Hair
New Type of Immune Cell

Episode 53


How to Amplify Learning in A&P

Exosomes & Cancer
Activity Affects Heart Shape

Episode 52

working together

The Case for Case Studies

Age reversal
Brain mapping
Answering student questions

Episode 51

washing a window

The Case for Transparency

Neuro updates
AAA gets a new look

Episode 50

person using laptop

Connecting in The Distance Course Special

Classic segments on student retention, success, & course completion

Transcripts & captions supported by
The American Association for Anatomy. 
AAA logo

This podcast is sponsored by the
Human Anatomy & Physiology Society
HAPS logo

Episode 35

big idea

Big Ideas: Essential Concepts of A&P

Smell and stress
How oxytocin works
Cholesterol testing (or not)

Episode 19


Caring for Students Helps Them Succeed

Giving lecture slides to students
Sleeping in on weekends

Episode 13


Playful & Serious Is the Perfect Combo for A&P

Meatus is a weird word
Convenient ways to subscribe

Episode 7

woman taking open book online test

Teaching For Long-Term Learning

Hot Mitochondria
Secrets of the Campus Cadavers

Episode 2

Online testing

Testing as a Teaching Strategy:
Students Learn From Tests

HAPS Annual Conference
New high blood pressure guidelines

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Almost-Daily Updates

Curated selection of headlines, notices, & updates in science & education from The A&P Professor

The Science & Education Update newsletter from The A&P Professor (TAPP) is an almost-daily*, curated collection of headlines, updates, notices, images, videos, etc., from various media sources delivered directly to your inbox. Kevin Patton chooses the items everyday from his scan of what’s going on from trusted sources.

Usually, the TAPP Science & Education Update has a mix of items relevant to both the content of anatomy and physiology and the art and science of teaching. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, news items are skewed toward aspects of the pandemic of interest to A&P teachers—or anyone, really.


Click on the link to subscribe—it’s free of cost. You can stop your subscription at any time.

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Other Resources

Curated selection of pandemic teaching resources

ResourceSourceDescriptionURLSponsor or affiliate?
Lt online platformADInstrumentsOver 360 ready-to-use online lessons and labs in A&P, bio, medicine (free during pandemic)https://www.Adinstruments.com/lt/covid19Episode sponsor
Anatomy education resourcesAmerican Association for AnatomyImages & other resources vetted by AAAhttps://my-ap.us/AAAimagesPodcast transcription sponsor
Teaching resourcesHuman Anatomy & Physiology SocietyMembers-only teaching resources, including Learning Outcomeshttps://my-ap.us/3epB6FDPodcast marketing sponsor
Snippet managerTextExpanderTool for automatically inserting text snippets into your student feedback, other documentshttps://theapprofessor.org/textexpanderAffiliate link
TranscriptionRevHighly accurate transcription & captioning service for teaching video, audiohttps://try.rev.com/Cw2nZAffiliate link
eText booksVitalSourceNow offering free eTexts from major publishershttps://my-ap.us/2y58lNr---
Screen capture tools TechSmithSnagit for capturing still or video is available for free during pandemichttps://techsmith.pxf.io/9MkPWAffiliate link
Media sourcesThe A&P ProfessorList of sources for images & other mediahttps://theapprofessor.org/media.htmlPodcast producer (Kevin Patton)
Various teaching resourcesLifeSciTRC consortiumMany types of life-science teaching resourceshttps://my-ap.us/LifeSciTRCSponsors AAA, HAPS partner in LifeSciTRC
Case studiesNational Center for Case Study Teaching in ScienceReady-to-use case studiesmy-ap.us/CaseStudiesScience---
Free noise cancellationKrispArtificial intelligence noise reducer eliminates background noises during Zoom meetings, videos, etc.https://theapprofessor.org/krispAffiliate link
How to teach with podcastsAcademic PodcastingOnline community for those interested in learning how to make or grow academic podcasts, including beginner skillshttps://AcademicPodcasting.orgPodcast producer (Kevin Patton)

Last updated: April 13, 2022 at 14:18 pm

handwritten text: pleas take a moment to rate & review The A&P Professor podcast (with photos of two painters making stars)


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