Testing as TeachingUsing Randomized, Online Retrieval Practice to Promote Learning
Who needs this?
This seminar is of interest to those who have never used a learning management system as well as seasoned LMS experts.
In a nutshell
This session explores the use of Respondus and your LMS (learning managment system) to produce randomized online tests that operate as self-contained learning activities.
Data on student attitudes toward randomized testing as a learning method and data on effects on student performance also are explored.
This is an updated & re-recorded version of the invited conference paper Testing as Teaching Co-Medical Anatomy: A Practical View (Anatomical Science International 79 p. 188) presented at the 16th International Conference of the IFAA (Kyoto, Japan) in 2002.
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This brief, video-narrated
presentation can be viewed by clicking the link:
*Make sure your speakers or headphones are plugged in and working.
Want to know more?
Links and Downloads
Download the slides and handout
Testing as a Learning Tool | Update (blog article)
Podcast series on Kevin’s testing scheme
- Quizzed About Tests | FAQs About Patton Test Strategies | TAPP 99
- More Quizzing About Kevin’s Wacky Testing Scheme | Book Club | TAPP 100
- Even MORE Test Answers | Normal Body Temperature? | TAPP 101
Why Spaced Retrieval Practice is Your Most Powerful Teaching and Learning Tool (podcast episode)
Testing As a Teaching Strategy | Episode 2 (podcast episode)
Pre-Testing for a Powerful Learning Boost | Episode 3 (podcast episode)
Cumulative Testing Makes Learning Last | Episode 4 (podcast episode)
Pandemic Teaching (compilation of resources that recommend this approach)
Small Teaching (book)
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning (book)
Powerful Teaching (book)
Understanding How We Learn (book)
Last updated: September 30, 2021 at 11:12 am