Big Ideas: The Essential Concepts of A&P
TAPP Radio Episode 35
Quick Take
0:39 | Cholesterol & ApoB in Cardiac Risk
5:48 | How Oxytocin Works
9:49 | Sponsored by HAPS
10:11 | Smell Affects Cortisol / Stress
14:38 | Sponsored by AAA
14:52 | Featured: Big Ideas – Essential Concepts in A&P
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The big ideas are usually simple ideas. (David Ogilvy)
1 | Cholesterol & ApoB in Cardiac Risk
5 minutes
Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is the protein part of the lipoprotein particles in our bloodstream that contain cholesterol. In primary medical care, we often measure total low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or non-high-density lipoprotein (non-HDL) to help us determine risk for cardiovascular disease. As protocols are reviewed, some believe measuring ApoB is a better measure of cardiovascular risk.
- Is is time to retire cholesterol tests? (news article in Science)
- Apo B Test (summary of the Apo B blood test)
2 | How Oxytocin Works
We know oxytocin (OT) promotes labor contractions of the uterine myometrium. But how? New evidences helps explain the mechanism.
- Oxytocin can regulate myometrial smooth muscle excitability by inhibiting the Na+‐activated K+ channel, Slo2.1 (research article from The Journal of Physiology)
3 | Sponsored by HAPS
0.5 minutes
The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast. Did you know there’s a one-day regional HAPS conference in March? Check it out. You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there.
4 | Smell Affects Cortisol / Stress
4.5 minutes
Smells in our environment can increase or decrease blood cortisol levels, indicating modulation of our stress response. In particular, the smell of a romantic partner can reduce a woman’s stress. Hmmm. Might it also reduce test anxiety? Interesting…
- Why Sniffing Your Partner’s Shirt Helps Reduce Stress (brief article summarizing the research)
- Stressed out? Try smelling your partner’s shirt (another brief article)
- Olfactory cues from romantic partners and strangers influence women’s responses to stress. (the original research article)
- Helping Students With Test Anxiety | TAPP Episode 32 | Bonus
5 | Sponsored by AAA
0.5 minute
The searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by The American Association of Anatomists (AAA) at
6 | Big Ideas – Essential Concepts in A&P
11.5 minutes
When telling the story of human structure & function, we want our students to identify the “big ideas” and even just the “kinda big ideas,” as well as both the “main characters” and “minor characters.” By making a habit of looking for the kinda big ideas, perhaps running a concept list to collect them, students may begin to understand the essential concepts of A&P. And it may help them see the connectness of the structures and functions of the body.
- Running Concept Lists Help Students Make Connections | TAPP Episode 8
- Storytelling is the Heart of Teaching A&P | TAPP Episode 12
- The Core Concepts of Physiology: A New Paradigm for Teaching Physiology
- by Joel Michael , William Cliff, Jenny McFarland, Harold Modell, Ann Wright
- Book details:
- Published on behalf of APS The American Physiological Society by Springer
- APS members:
- Bookstore:
- 15 core concepts of physiology
- Explanations and applications of a concept-based approach to the physiology course
- Concepts:
- Evolution
- Homeostasis
- Causality
- Energy
- Structure/function
- Cell theory
- Levels of organization
- Cell–cell communication
- Cell membrane
- Flow down gradients
- Genes to proteins
- Interdependence
- Mass balance
- Physics/chemistry
- Scientific reasoning
This podcast is sponsored by the
Human Anatomy & Physiology Society
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To read a complete transcript of this episode,
click here.
The searchable transcript for this episode is sponsored by
The American Association of Anatomists.
Call in
Record your question or share an idea and I may use it in a future podcast!
Preview of Episode 36
Host Kevin Patton previews the content of the upcoming full episode, which focuses on the big year (the first year) of The A&P Professor podcast (TAPP Radio). There’s more… some word dissections and recommendations from The A&P Professor Book Club.
.5 minute
- Feedback/questions from listener Adam Rich
- Have we discovered a new type of blood vessel?
- Looking back at the big ideas of the first year of this podcast
Word Dissections
7.5 minutes
- Podcast
- Netcast
- Audible revolution: Online radio is booming thanks to iPods, cheap audio software and weblogs, reports Ben Hammersley (first proposed use of “podcast”)
- In fimo
- In vitro
- In vivo
- Feces
- Studies can be in vitro, in vivo and now ‘in fimo’ — in poop (brief description in Science News)
- “In Fimo”: A Term Proposed for Excrement Examined Experimentally (article in Gastroenterology journal proposing new term)
- My favorite quote from the paper: “…we use the following term for the active enzymes extracted from an in fimo sample: poopernatant.”
Book Club
5.5 minutes
- The Anatomist
- Book by Bill Hayes about Henry Gray and illustrator Henry Vandyke Carter, creators of Gray’s Anatomy
- Mentioned in The Silent Teacher; A Conversation with Aaron Fried | Episode 29
- Internet Surf and Turf-Revealed: The Essential Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Finding Media
- Book by Barbara Waxer & Marsha Baum
- Mentioned in Using Media in Our A&P Course; Advice From Barbara Waxer | Episode 28
- Check out The A&P Professor Book Club
Last updated: December 30, 2020 at 10:40 am