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TAPP Journal Club

The A&P Professor Journal ClubWith Krista Rompolski

Episode 124

plastic anatomy model showing thoracic and abdominal cavity

Anatomy & Physiology:
Combo or Split?

Journal Club with
Dr. Krista Rompolski

Episode 104

hand with pencil filling in scan sheet

Should Students Change Answers?

Journal Club with
Krista Rompolski

Episode 93

bathroom scale

Weight Stigma! The Difficult Cadaver

Journal Club Episode
with Krista Rompolski
Weight Bias in Dissection Courses

Episode 83

discussing things over a cup of tea

Actual Learning vs. Feeling of Learning

Journal Club Episode with
Krista Rompolski

Episode 71

Growth Mindset

Journal Club w/ Krista Rompolski

Faculty Mindsets & Minority Student Achievement Gaps
Book Club: Mindset

Episode 69

discussing things over a cup of tea

Journal Club w/ Krista Rompolski

Content Delivery Style
Seminar on Running Concept Lists

Transcripts & captions supported by
The American Association for Anatomy. 
AAA logo

This podcast is sponsored by the
Human Anatomy & Physiology Society
HAPS logo

Last updated: October 5, 2022 at 12:09 pm

handwritten text: pleas take a moment to rate & review The A&P Professor podcast (with photos of two painters making stars)


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