TAPP Radio Episode 7
Teaching For Long Term Learning
Quick Take
0:50 | Hot mitochondria
2:20 | Secrets of the Campus Cadavers
6:26 | Featured topic: teaching for long term learning
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1 | Hot Mitochondria
1.5 minutes
Mitochondria run about 10 °C hotter than the other components of the cell. This number may be helpful when discussing thermoregulation, metabolism, cell biology, and more.
- Hot mitochondria? (an article in PLOS Biology)
2 | Podcast: Secrets of the Campus Cadavers
2:20 minutes
Paul Gabrielsen of the University of Utah introduces his new serial podcast that tells the story of the discovery of remains of medical education cadavers buried on campus about a hundred years ago.
- Secrets of the Campus Cadavers (web page for the podcast)
3 | Teaching for Long Term Learning
19 minutes
A comment on Episode 4 by Margaret Thompson Reece sparks continued discussion of the value of a cumulative approach to teaching and learning. In this episode, Kevin gives additional examples of practical strategies to apply the cumulative approach in our A&P course and beyond.
- Medical Science Navigator (Margaret Thompson Reece’s website; share this link with your students!)
- Episode 4 | Cumulative Testing Makes Learning Last (where we first encounter the cumulative approach)
- Cumulative Testing Enhances Learning (Kevin’s blog post summarizing cumulative testing, including links to other resources).
- Episode 3 | Testing as Teaching (emphasizes the role of tests as retrieval practice rather than summative assessment)
- HAPS Comprehensive Exam (find out more about this cumulative test from the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society)
- Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning (one of Kevin’s favorite books on teaching, it further explains the value of cumulative testing)
- Episode 1 | Why Spaced Retrieval Practice is Your Most Powerful Teaching and Learning Tool (a prior episode covering a related topic)
- Start A&P 2 with a Final Exam (a blog post about Kevin’s Test Zero mentioned in this episode)
- Memorizing vs. Understanding (brief discussion about how to teach facts and how to teach understanding)
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To read a complete transcript of this episode, click here.
Last updated: January 7, 2021 at 16:30 pm
Excellent talk! I would like to add that both the pre-test before A&P II and cumulative testing during the semester should particularly help students organize the physiology part of A&P. Physiology is a challenge to learn within a structure optimized for the anatomy part of the course. The three major systems that regulate homeostasis, the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, are usually taught during A&PII. Yet, they are often needed to understand bone and muscle physiology during A&PI. When teaching physiology as a separate course, lectures often begin with the nervous or cardiovascular system. Maybe the cumulative form of testing proposed here would help students better organize their understanding of physiology, a subject that is difficult to master with memorization.
I didn’t think of it that way, but your idea of using a cumulative approach to testing would be a great way to help students build a solid conceptual framework of physiology!