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Online Lecture Previews

Lecture PreviewsUsing Narrated Presentations to Prepare Students for Class

Who needs this?

This seminar is of interest to those who want to provide interactive PowerPoint presentations online for flipped (or half-flipped) classrooms, remote/distance courses, faculty absences, or as supplements to traditional courses.

viewing a preview presentation

In a nutshell

  • This session explores the use of narrated presentations that can be accessed by students in an online course platform or regular website.
  • Participants explore a case study using iSpring and PowerPoint to produce narrated online presentations to supplement a web-enhanced “lecture” course.
  • A brief walk-through of the process of producing such a presentation is included.


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This brief, video-narrated
presentation can be viewed by clicking the button:

Make sure your speakers or headphones are plugged in and working!

Last updated: December 5, 2023 at 14:31 pm

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