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Episodes | Season 2

The A&P Professor PodcastTAPP Radio Season 2 Episodes

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Episode 59


More Flashcards: Hidden Powers Unleashed

Junk DNA Analogy

Episode 58

flashcard deck

Flashcards: Hidden Powers

Therapy to Grow Brain Cells
Smell Without Olfactory Bulbs

Episode 57

fire extinguisher inside

Warnings & Safety Tips in the A&P Syllabus

HAPS Travel Awards
Preview Episodes
Nuzzel Newsletter

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Transcripts & captions supported by
The American Association for Anatomy. 
AAA logo

This podcast is sponsored by the
Human Anatomy & Physiology Society
HAPS logo

Episode 56

episode 56 preview

More on Spelling, Case, & Grammar

Barrier Macrophages
Labeling for Lab Practicals

Episode 55


Communication, Clarity, & Medical Errors

Correct Spelling
Alternative Spelling
A Case for Proper Case
Professionalism in the Syllabus

Listen to the Preview now!

Episode 54


Revisiting A&P Learning Outcomes

Vaccination Timing
Forgetting Neurons

No preview available

Bonus Episode 54


Cells & Oxygen Availability

Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine
Special Episode

Listen to the Preview now!

Episode 53


How to Amplify Learning in A&P

Exosomes & Cancer
Activity Affects Heart Shape

Listen to the Preview first

Episode 52

working together

The Case for Case Studies

Age reversal
Brain mapping
Answering student questions

Listen to the Preview first

Episode 51

washing a window

The Case for Transparency

Neuro updates
AAA gets a new look

Episode 50

person using laptop

Connecting in The Distance Course Special

Classic segments on student retention, success, & course completion

Episode 49

Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp

The Silent Teacher Special

Classic segments on the role of human body donors in anatomy eduation

Episode 48


The Storytelling Special

Classic segments from past episodes

Episode 47


The Human Microbial System

Teachers vs. Robots
Special Episodes Coming Soon!

Episode 46

The Wallenda Model of Homeostasis

Measles & Immune Amnesia
Long Bone Growth

Episode 45

fish bowl

The Fishbowl Model of Homeostasis

Addressing Professors Poll
Concept List Seminar
Unveiling The A&P Professor

Episode 44

professor teaching

How Our Students Address Us

Semi-Identical Twins
Sorting Student Papers
Stickers? Really?

Episode 43

Anatomic Variations

Human Fabella
Situs Inversus
Human Variations

Episode 42

Kevin's Unofficial Guide to the HAPS Annual Conference


Kevin’s Unofficial Guide to the HAPS Annual Conference

Updated & Expanded 2019 Edition
Jerry Anzalone & Mindi Fried Call In
Greg Crowther’s A&P Music

Episode 41

eponyms follow-up

More on Eponyms in A&P Terminology

Update on Adult Brain Neurogenesis
More on Finding Media to Teach
Student names

Episode 40

Paul Broca

The Eponym Episode

Modern Use of Terminology

Episode 39


Language of Muscles: A Strategy for Learning

Cerebellum Functions
Liver Responses
Exercise & Body Weight

Episode 38


Mid-Semester Check-Ins Keep Your A&P Course on Track

Sperm Speed
Gut Hematopoiesis
Swallow a Lego?
New Sponsor!

Episode 37

reading a book

The Last Best Story in Teaching A&P

Test Feedback (again)
Anatomical Compass

Episode 36

one year

Big Year in Anatomy & Physiology Teaching with The A&P Professor

Feedback & questions from Adam Rich

Episode 35

big idea

Big Ideas: Essential Concepts of A&P

Smell and stress
How oxytocin works
Cholesterol testing (or not)

Kevin podcasting

TIP: If your time is limited, or you are drinking your coffee black, listen to each episode at 1.5x speed—if your player or app allows it.  That can cut a 30-minute episode down to about 20 minutes.

Last updated: April 17, 2024 at 15:25 pm

handwritten text: pleas take a moment to rate & review The A&P Professor podcast (with photos of two painters making stars)


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