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Actin & Myosin – A Love Story | Episode 15

TAPP Radio Episode 15

Actin & Myosin – A Love Story

Quick Take

0:47 | Why does the Golgi apparatus look so weird?
6:02 | Featured topic: The Actin-Myosin Love Story (an analogy)
17:50 | Try the Alexa skill for this podcast

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Golgi Apparatus. Credit: Kelvinsong

1 | The Shape of the Golgi Apparatus

5.5 minutes

The Golgi apparatus has a distinctive flattened shape. It turns out that it’s the functioning of the cytoskeleton that is responsible.


2 | Actin & Myosin: A Love Story

8 minutes

Romeo & Juliet Kevin tells the story of actin and myosin as an analogy to a classic love story. This playful story reflects the focus of recent episodes about the use of storytelling and analogies in teaching A&P.


3 | Don’t Forget the Alexa Skill for This Podcast

  • Enable the Alexa skill (Kevin’s instructions on how to enable and use the new skill for this podcast; includes a video)
  • Alexa skill (Amazon’s page for this Alexa skill)
  • Alexa-enabled devices (Amazon’s devices that use Alexa skills; purchases made through this link help fund this podcast)

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Last updated: January 6, 2021 at 10:30 am

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