[vc_column_text css_animation="flipInX" css=".vc_custom_1692397425635{border-top-width: 2px !important;border-right-width: 2px !important;border-bottom-width: 2px !important;border-left-width:…
learning challenges
Study Courses Supercharge Anatomy & Physiology Success | TAPP 141
by Kevin Patton
written by Kevin Patton
[vc_column_text css_animation="flipInX" css=".vc_custom_1692397425635{border-top-width: 2px !important;border-right-width: 2px !important;border-bottom-width: 2px !important;border-left-width: 2px !important;padding-top: 15px…
Study Courses Supercharge Anatomy & Physiology Success | TAPP 141 was last modified: August 18th, 2023 by Kevin Patton
A Pre-A&P Course Improves Student Success in Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 140
by Kevin Patton
written by Kevin Patton
[vc_column_text css_animation="flipInX" css=".vc_custom_1684602486284{border-top-width: 2px !important;border-right-width: 2px !important;border-bottom-width: 2px !important;border-left-width:…
A Pre-A&P Course Improves Student Success in Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 140 was last modified: August 16th, 2023 by Kevin Patton
Deep Elaboration & Other Stories of Teaching Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 136
by Kevin Patton
written by Kevin Patton
[vc_column_text css_animation="flipInX" css=".vc_custom_1602113340546{padding-top: 15px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 15px !important;padding-left:…
Deep Elaboration & Other Stories of Teaching Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 136 was last modified: July 26th, 2023 by Kevin Patton
Mindi Fried on Teaching & Learning with Aphantasia | TAPP 133
by Kevin Patton
written by Kevin Patton
[vc_column_text css_animation="flipInX" css=".vc_custom_1602113340546{padding-top: 15px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 15px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;background-color:…
Mindi Fried on Teaching & Learning with Aphantasia | TAPP 133 was last modified: March 8th, 2023 by Kevin Patton
[vc_column_text css_animation="flipInX" css=".vc_custom_1602113340546{padding-top: 15px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 15px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;background-color: #fff7d6…
Anatomy & Physiology Syllabus: It’s an Art | TAPP 120 was last modified: July 29th, 2023 by Kevin Patton
Minding the Mind’s Eye in Slides | Feedback on Abortion Misconceptions | TAPP 119
by Kevin Patton
written by Kevin Patton
[vc_column_text css_animation="flipInX" css=".vc_custom_1602113340546{padding-top: 15px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 15px…
Minding the Mind’s Eye in Slides | Feedback on Abortion Misconceptions | TAPP 119 was last modified: July 29th, 2023 by Kevin Patton
[vc_column_text css_animation="flipInX" css=".vc_custom_1692735338720{padding-top: 15px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 15px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;background-color: #fff7d6…
Why A﹠P Faculty Need to Become Students | TAPP 117 was last modified: August 22nd, 2023 by Kevin Patton